保护校园未成年人 Policy 613.00
Section: Campus Community 安全, Wellness and Continuity

适用性: This Policy applies to persons responsible f或者是 custody, 控制和监督未成年人参加由哪个app可以赌足球(“赌钱app可以微信提现”或“学院”)提供或由学院财产第三方赞助的涵盖活动.

目的本政策的目的是通过制定标准,促进未成年人参加由学院或第三方在学院财产上主办的承保活动的安全和福利, obligations and expectations f或者是 adults who work with Minors in Covered Activities.


“虐待”指的是身体上的虐待, 精神或情感虐待, 性虐待或忽视, 因为这些项在K中被定义.S.A. 38-2202.

“Child” or “Children” means a person or persons under the age of 18 years.

“涵盖的活动”是指本政策涵盖的主要针对无人陪伴儿童的项目或活动,由学院赞助,或由第三方在校园内开展,并与学院达成书面协议. 如果学院或第三方明确接受保管责任,则课程或活动是“承保活动”, control and supervision of the Minors f或者是 duration of the program or activity. 只有当儿童由家长或监护人登记参加该计划或活动,且儿童在该计划或活动现场时,才会接受该责任. Examples of situations that are not Covered Activities include:

  1. 事件 that are open to the general public, 比如音乐会, 体育活动, 展览和节日. 在这样的事件中, Children are reasonably expected to be accompanied and supervised by parents or legal guardians, and their presence without parents or guardians does not transfer custody, control and supervision to the College 或者是 Third Party sponsoring the event.
  2. 由学校或其他组织带孩子进入学校的实地考察活动,这些学校或组织的代表应保留监护权的责任, 对孩子的控制和监督.
  3. 大学学分课程.
  4. 约翰逊县成人教育班.
  5. 大学继续教育课程, except that classes intended primarily for Children, including but not limited to Drivers Education and Youth Enrichment Program classes, 涵盖的活动.
  6. The Hiersteiner Childhood Development Center.
  7. Children accompanying personnel or visitors for a reason other than a Covered Activity.
  8. Campus visits and tours by prospective students.
  9. Any other visit by Children to College property in which custody, 如本定义所述,控制和监督并未明确授予学院或第三方.

“拘留, Control and Supervision” means authority to guide, 管理和监督一个孩子, 除非在一段时间内就某项特定承保活动授权给学院或第三方,否则仍由家长或法定监护人享有的权利, during which the College or Third Party is exercising its own authority to guide, 管理和监督未成年人. 移交监护权, control and supervision is evidenced by the registration and presence of a Child in a Covered Activity.

“Minor” means a person under the age of 18 years who is participating in a Covered Activity.

“Responsible Adult” means a person over the age of 18 years who is responsible f或者是 custody, control and supervision of Minors participating in a Covered Activity and is an employee of the College, a person volunteering at the College pursuant to the 志愿者政策440.00, 或者是员工, 与学院有书面协议的第三方代理人或志愿者在学院财产上进行承保活动.

“Third Party” means a person or organization independent from the College.


所有在校园里与孩子互动的人都应遵守有关儿童保护的所有联邦和州法律法规. 负责任的成年人应遵守本政策以及学院部门或项目制定的与未成年人一起工作的额外标准或程序. 第三方须遵守本政策以及学院在书面协议中规定的其他标准或程序.

Persons who violate this Policy may,视情况而定, be referred to legal authorities. College employees who violate this Policy are subject to discipline up to termination under the Suspension, Demotion and Termination Policy 415.08, and volunteers who violate this Policy may have their service with the College discontinued. 违反本政策的第三方将受到与学院书面协议条款和条件的约束.

I. 需要进行
  1. 学院员工若计划主要针对无人陪伴儿童的项目或活动,应在推广活动前通知任务连续性和风险管理执行主任.
  2. 负责任的成年人应:
    1. Follow all written College policies and operating procedures and internal policies, procedures or standards specified by the department or program.
    2. Immediately report to the College 警察 Department if, 与承保活动有关, the Responsible Adult witnesses or has reasonable cause to suspect Abuse of a Minor. Other reporting requirements not addressed in this Policy may apply, 比如堪萨斯州法律规定,当记者有理由怀疑未成年儿童受到身体伤害时,他们有义务向堪萨斯州儿童和家庭部门报告, 精神或情感虐待 or neglect or sexual abuse.
    3. 负责任的成人(学院员工或志愿者)必须成功完成犯罪背景调查 犯罪背景调查政策.03 or 义工政策440.00, 是适用的, 并按照学院任务连续性和风险管理执行主任的要求,完成并遵守所有旨在防止虐待未成年人的负责任成年人培训. 两者均应按特派团连续性和风险管理执行主任规定的频率完成.
    4. Prior to engagement with Minors in a Covered Activity, 负责任的成年雇员, 第三方的代理人或志愿者应完成犯罪背景调查和培训,以防止与学院的书面协议中规定的虐待未成年人. 书面协议的相关条款和条件应由学院的任务连续性和风险管理执行主任审查和批准.
  3. The Executive Director of Mission Continuity and Risk Management or designee shall:
    1. 为学院员工制定程序,将主要针对无人陪伴儿童的项目或活动通知风险管理部门,并为风险管理部门定期调查,以确定可能属于承保活动的项目或活动.
    2. 确认承保活动符合本政策和任何风险管理或项目程序的要求, 包括要求所有负责任的成年人在首次参与承保活动之前进行本政策要求的背景调查和培训.

II. 禁止的行为

In connection with a Covered Activity, a Responsible Adult shall not:

  1. 和未成年人单独相处, 除非负责任的成年人是未成年人的亲属或监护人,或者学院主管员工确定一对一的互动适合于承保活动. Even approved one-on-one interactions should adhere to training principles to ensure protection of Minors.
  2. Engage in, or attempt to engage in, Abuse of a Minor.
  3. Engage in, or attempt to engage in, any behavior with a Minor that 是被禁止的 by Chapter 21 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated.
  4. 通过任何方式联系未成年人, 包括社交媒体, f或者是 purpose of engaging in sexual conversation, sexual conduct or any other prohibited conduct.

3. 报复

对任何人采取报复行动, 诚信行事, has reported alleged Abuse in accordance with this Policy, or has been involved in investigating or responding to allegations of Abuse, or has reported a failure to comply with this Policy, 是被禁止的. Complaints of retaliation will be addressed in accordance with the Employee Discrimination, Harassment or 报复 Policy 420.00 或者是 Student Discrimination, Harassment or 报复 Policy 319.05,视情况而定.

IV. 第三方使用大学设施

任何希望在学院财产上开展承保活动的第三方必须向任务连续性和风险管理执行主任注册,并与学院签订书面协议,包括, 但不限于, requirements for appropriate insurance coverage and assurances that its employees, volunteers or agents who interact with Minors on College property have received proper training, have successfully completed background checks, 是否会遵守事件反应和报告要求和监督比率,并遵守学院的政策和操作程序.
